Our projects

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY)

A government initiative in India aimed at providing skill training to rural youth. This project focuses on empowering individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds by equipping them with marketable skills, thus enhancing their employability.

Haryana Skill Development Mission

HSDM is an initiative taken by the Government of Haryana to enhance the employability of the youth in the state. It aims to provide skill training and development programs to individuals in various sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, tourism, and manufacturing.

U.P. Skill Development Mission

A crucial initiative aimed at empowering individuals with the necessary skills to thrive in today's rapidly changing job market. With the advent of technology and automation, the demand for certain skill sets has shifted, leaving many individuals at a disadvantage. This mission recognizes the urgency to bridge this gap and provide opportunities for skill development across various sectors.

M.P Skill Development Mission

The MP skill development mission focuses on enhancing the employability and entrepreneurship skills of individuals. This initiative aims to equip the workforce with the necessary abilities to thrive in a competitive job market and contribute to the economic growth of the region.

Seekho aur Kamao

(Under Ministry of Minority Affair)

This project in India aims to empower individuals by providing them with the necessary skills to earn a livelihood. This initiative focuses on imparting vocational training to marginalized sections of the society, such as women, youth, and people from low-income backgrounds.

Jeevan Rakshak Abhiyan


The project is dedicated to planting 1 lakh plantations, aiming to promote environmental sustainability and combat deforestation. With a strong emphasis on reforestation, the project aims to restore biodiversity and create a healthier ecosystem. By planting a large number of trees, the project aims to mitigate climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.